Now press and hold the left click on the app icon. We hope you enjoy using it.Home UiPath AI Center Guide Recipes API Reference Reference Changelog Discussions Page Not Found Search API Logs A shortcut for your app in your preferred instance will be created on the desktop, as shown in the image below. Provide a batch name in the Batch Name field.The types of documents that can be imported for labeling are. If you want to use this document batch for evaluating an ML model (i.e.If you want to use this document batch for training an ML model, leave the Make this a test set checkbox unselected.This enables you to easily filter and find these documents using the Filter drop-down later on. measuring its performance), select the Make this a test set checkbox. Upload or drag & drop a file or set of files into the Browse or drop files section.This ensures the data is ignored by the training pipelines. The application inspects them and indicates how many of them can be imported.zip files are also accepted. The application unzips the archive and goes through folders recursively to find all files inside. #Nox multi instance manager shortcut archive Importing a dataset zip file exported from another Data Manager instance will import the documents with the labels. #Nox multi instance manager shortcut zip file #Nox multi instance manager shortcut archive.#Nox multi instance manager shortcut zip file.