You may be interested in the following related articles as well. He then proceeded to draw these faces according to true dimensions, using a mosaic of colors. In the early 90’s, Wedha started to illustrate faces formed by single lines and strong colors, inspired by the cubist style.

Wedha Abdul Rashid has worked as an illustrator for the press industry since the 1970s, developing portraits of important figures from all backgrounds: politicians, musicians, artists, and fictional characters. The end result A unique image that stands out from the crowd. I hope you will enjoy the WPAP examples and WPAP tutorials will helpful to create Geometric, WPAP Art Portrait in Illustrator and Photoshop. But Picsarts artistic filters and effects can easily transform a plain photo in no time at all. The inspiring wpap art illustrations will surely mesmerize you and stir your imagination. WPAP Art is made using straight lines and sharp, vibrant, contrasting fills. Amazing collection of WPAP (Wedha’s Pop Art Portrait) portrait Illustrations, by best WPAP artists and designers.